
Save your baby’s precious cord blood

Your baby's umbilical cord contains powerful stem cells with tremendous healing potential. The decision to save your baby's cord blood at birth gives your entire family a lifetime of health benefits.

3 Easy Steps to Bank Cord Blood


The Science

Newborn stem cells are early stage cells can grow into other cells types to help repair and regenerate damaged or diseased tissue in the body.

Cord Blood Stem Cells

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after childbirth. Rich in hematopoietic stem cells, it has the amazing regenerative potential to help heal the body’s blood and immune systems.

Explore Cord Blood »


Cord Tissue Stem Cells

Cord tissue refers to the umbilical cord itself, which is a rich source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These cells are known for their ability to differentiate into a variety of cell types including bone, cartilage, and muscle cells.

Explore Cord Tissue »


What can stem cells be used for?

Current Treatments

Today, cord blood stem cells are used in the treatment of over 80 diseases

Cord Blood Research

Currently, cord blood stem cells are being investigated in clinical trials for the following conditions:

Cord Tissue Research

Mesenchymal stem cells from cord tissue are currently in clinical trials for treating the following conditions:
Aplastic anemia Defective heart valve repair Liver cirrhosis
Beta thalassemia Wound healing Lung cancer
Sickle cell disease Peripheral artery occlusive disease Parkinson’s disease
Lymphocytic leukemia Spinal cord injury Rheumatoid arthritis
Myelogenous leukemia Autism spectrum disorder Sports injuries (cartilage)
Hodgkin’s lymphoma Cerebral palsy Type 1 diabetes
Prolymphocytic leukemia Pediatric stroke Stroke
Neuroblastoma Traumatic brain injury Alzheimer’s disease
Fanconi anemia Acquired sensorineural hearing loss Bone repair

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Give the gift of health

One chance in a lifetime, only available at birth

80+ diseases

The number of conditions that have FDA-approved treatments using cord blood stem cells.


1000+ clinical trials

Exploring the use of stem cells to treat stroke, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and more.


Benefits for your family

Newborn stem cells are a perfect match for your child and have a high chance of matching close family members.


Stem cell news


Frequently Asked Questions

You can order the kit any time prior to the birth of your baby. Most parents order at least 2 months prior to the due date to ensure that they have the kit on hand at the time of delivery.

Your baby's cord blood can be stored indefinitely for a lifetime of health benefits.

Cord blood banking will not affect the birthing process in any way. If you do not choose to save your baby's cord blood, it will be discarded as medical waste.

If your delivery date is within the next 72 hours, our laboratory will contact you immediately after you register to arrange an emergency kit.


Our cord blood experts are available to help.

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