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Shop / Behavior & Traits / DNA Promiscuity Gene Test

DNA Promiscuity Gene Test


Discover if you carry a genetic variant associated with a higher likelihood of promiscuity.

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Are you naturally inclined towards more open or adventurous relationships? While countless factors influence attraction and behaviors, our DNA may hold some fascinating clues. The DNA Promiscuity Gene Test analyzes an important gene called DRD4, which plays a role in regulating dopamine – the brain’s “reward” chemical.

Specific variations within the DRD4 gene, called 7R+ alleles, have been associated with increased sexual curiosity, risk-taking tendencies, and a predisposition towards greater numbers of sexual partners.

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Stem cells are isolated following a meticulous extraction process that separates red blood cells and plasma from the cord blood. This results in a purified and concentrated stem cell sample, ready for secure banking.

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Each cord blood sample undergoes thorough testing to confirm its sterility, ensuring the banked specimen remains uncontaminated and viable for future use.

Secure online results in 6 to 8 weeks

Following cryopreservation, you will receive a certificate of banking highlighting stem cell number, yield, and potency along with information you will need to retrieve the stem cell samples if needed.

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